How To Burn Fat Effectively With Yohimbine

The story of Yohimbine starts the same as many other newly discovered fat burning ingredients. Sourced from an African evergreen tree, Yohimbe is the bark of the tree, while Yohimbine is the main compound in Yohimbe. Since the 1960’s studies about Yohimbine have been conducted with the goal of hopefully increasing testosterone. With testosterone benefits, Yohimbine was sold as a way to cure erectile dysfunction (and still is). It wasn’t until recently when the fat burning benefits of this supplement were noticed.
How Does Yohimbine Work?
Unlike other fat burners that claim to “target stubborn fat”, such as the lower ab region on men and the thighs on women, Yohimbine has actually been proven to help this issue. A simplified version of how this happens starts in the fat cells. All fat cells in your body have two types of receptors known as: Alpha-receptors and Beta-receptors.
When chemicals are released during expenditure and bind to alpha-receptors the fat cell doesn’t mobilize very easily, meaning little to no fatty acid gets released to be burned off. Conversely, when chemicals bind to beta-receptors, the fat in the cell can be easily mobilized and eventually burned off through exercise. The “stubborn fat” areas of the body have a higher amount of alpha-receptors, explaining why burning off the fat from these areas is more difficult.
This is where Biaxol Yohimbine comes in. This little chemical can bind to alpha-receptors much easier than beta-receptors. Effectively making it easier to mobilize the alpha-receptor-heavy fat cells to be burned off. If all that was confusing, don’t worry, everyone has to go over it a few times before they understand it fully! All it basically means is that Yohimbine can help you lose stubborn fat noticeably well compared to not using it at all.
How To Use Yohimbine Effectively
Like any other fat burning product that does work in the slightest, you can’t expect Yohimbine to magically burn fat without you working for it. We shouldn’t have to emphasize that you need to train and burn calories to lose fat. No matter how much fat burning supplements you take, you will not lose weight if you are not burning calories. The other important point to make here is that you should exercise frequently, in the form of cardiovascular workouts; as well as weight training to preserve your muscle while losing fat, because nobody wants to look undefined once they lose the fat on top of their muscles.
The most important factor about using Yohimbine is being in a fasted state, as the presence of insulin will almost entirely negate the fat burning effects. What this means for you is that Yohimbine is best utilized during morning cardio before any food has entered your body. It is important to exercise instead of doing something like simply intermittent fasting, for the fat burning effects will be much more pronounced, as the fatty acids in the body need to be burned off, otherwise they will go right back to where they came from; into fat storage.
With the added benefit of being a stimulant, Yohimbine is a good pick-me-up similar to caffeine (in fact taking them together works quite well). The dosing for Yohimbine is also quite important as overdosing can cause unwanted side effects. We recommend starting with 1 capsule daily, and slowly increase the amount until either you start to experience negative side effects or you reach the effectiveness cap.
Take Home Message
Pretty excited about Yohimbine? We would be too. Not many supplements are backed by science in their effectiveness, and even less so for fat burners. Yohimbine is a very good tool for helping you burn off that extra fat. You also can’t forget that an important part of fat burning is attention to detail in your training, nutrition and recovery. Without all of these things being taken care of, supplements won’t reach their maximum potential.
As we come to the end of this article, Biaxol Supplements wishes you well in your fat loss journey and ultimately it doesn’t matter if your goals are to one day step on stage or just feel confident going to the beach, you can achieve it!