RAD 140 vs Ostarine – Shed Fat or Pack on Muscle

The quest in finding that “extra something” to pack on lean muscle and shed fat, is far too common amongst bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts. After endless scanning over the internet, many come across Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs).
Some popular SARMs include RAD 140 and Ostarine. These compounds have been proposed to build muscle, strength, and endurance, as well as helping to tone the muscles during a fat loss/cutting phase.
But which one is better for packing on muscle, and which one could be advantageous during the cutting phase?
Based on this very important question, this article has compared ostarine vs rad 140 on four criteria. This includes: mechanisms of action, potential benefits, potential side effects, and dosage/cycling.
Mechanism of Action
It is well known that RAD140 and Ostarine induce muscle and strength gains through the SARMs mechanism. This mechanism has been discussed in more detail below.
RAD 140
RAD 140, more commonly known as Testolone, is a selective androgen receptor modulator. The substance works by binding to androgen receptors in the bone and muscle tissue. This promotes a muscle building response.
Typically, there would be an increase in testosterone and muscle protein synthesis to help grow and repair muscle fibers at unnaturally rapid rates.
As a side note, RAD 140 has also shown some promising results in neuroprotection, reducing nerve cell damage.
Ostarine is another selective androgen receptor modulator. However, the binding effect is milder, therefore the muscle growth would likely not be as significant.
Nevertheless, this makes the ostarine function effective for newbies who are yet to crack their “enhanced gains”.
More interestingly, ostarine can be a popular choice for preserving muscle tissue, which will be covered later in the article.
Potential Benefits
There are a multitude of benefits with RAD 140 and Ostarine use, which have been highlighted and discussed below.
RAD 140
- Building Muscle
- Increasing Strength
- Increase Muscle Endurance
- Speeding Up The Metabolism
- Boost Recovery
- Neuroprotective Properties
- Beginner Option For Muscle And Strength Gains
- Preserve Muscle While Shedding Fat (Muscle Toning)
- Preserve Strength While Shedding Fat
- Preserve The Metabolism To Some Degree While Shedding Fat
- Less Bloating or Swelling To Look Leaner
RAD 140
Although this article is for information purposes only, RAD 140 makes for an excellent substance for bulking up by packing on muscle and strength.
Furthermore, RAD 140 can boost recovery time between workouts and allow more frequent and effective lifting sessions, thereby increasing the potential for strength and muscle gains. This can also increase muscle endurance.
Therefore, positioning an individual with “faster” metabolism before the cutting phase to shed fat. Not to forget, RAD 140 has neuroprotective properties.
Those who observe calorie controlled diets to shed fat are likely to lose some muscle in the process. Ostarines mild androgen binding effects can help preserve muscle and strength, therefore maximizing muscle tone.
Additionally, unlike other substances, Ostarine is less likely to cause a bloated and swollen appearance of the muscles, thereby promoting a leaner appearance overall.
Not only that, with these milder effects of Ostarine, it can be a popular option amongst beginners to yield some newbie enhanced gains.
Potential Side Effects
Taking foreign compounds in the body (SARMs) can cause a whole host of negative side effects that have been shared below.
RAD 140
- Testosterone Suppression
- Rise in “Bad” Cholesterol
- Liver Strain
- Heart Problems
- Muscle Loss
- Organ Damage
- Similar side effects but much lower risk
RAD 140
The selective binding effect of RAD 140 ensures that the substance does not interact with other tissues like breasts and skin.
For this reason, there is a reduced risk of negative side effects that are associated with anabolic steroids.
However, there is still some risk for a reduction in natural testosterone level, an increase in “bad” cholesterol, and liver strain.
Subsequently, these side effects could lead to muscle loss, heart problems and organ damage in the distant future.
Remember that Ostarine is a much milder SARM, therefore the risks of negative side effects are a lot lower.
Even so, higher doses of over 40mg per day and prolonged use extending 16 consecutive weeks can increase the side effect risks.

Dosage and Cycle Length
The doses and cycle lengths are almost identical between RAD 140 and Ostarine. Typically, 10mg per day can be considered by new users of each substance.
This allows users to become familiar with the substance and perhaps reap some “newbie gains”. This dose may increase to 20-30mg and even as high as 40 mg in future cycles.
Doses are generally increased with the intention of unfolding new muscle and strength gains. Note that doses higher than 40mg per day pose a greater risk of side effects.
In terms of cycling, both RAD 140 and Ostarine are taken for 8-12 weeks, best with a lay off period of an equal time frame, or at least 4 weeks.
It is important not to exceed 16 weeks of consecutive use, as there is a higher possibility of side effects.
Give or take, three cycles may be enough to maximize the results of each substance. At this point would an individual consider a stronger drug or be satisfied with their results?
Some individuals use RAD 140 for a couple of cycles to pack on some lean muscle. Others may use Ostarine for a cycle while cutting calories to maximize fat loss and muscle preservation/tone.
Frequently Asked Questions
“What is RAD-140 best for?”
RAD 140 is best taken whilst bulking up. It has been proposed to pack on lean muscle, strength, and endurance.
Additionally, it can help boost the metabolism, gearing an individual for a successful fat loss phase, better known as “the cut”.
“What is Ostarine best for?”
Ostarines' milder androgenic effects may make it a good option for beginners to yield some newbie muscle and strength gains.
More commonly, it is utilized during the cutting phase, as it may help to preserve muscle. In turn, this can maximize the appearance of muscle tone.
“Can I use RAD-140 and Ostarine together?”
Some users combine both compounds with the intention of reaping all the proposed benefits. If one does so, it is crucial to monitor the body for side effects and manage dosage accordingly.
“Which one has fewer side effects?”
SARMs are designed to have fewer side effects compared to traditional anabolics. Ostarine being the milder out of the two in question, means it may have a lower risk of side effects.
Do note that side effects have an individualized response, where some may experience them worse than others.
“How do I decide which one to use?”
It really depends on a few variables. Are you bulking or cutting? As mentioned, RAD 140 is better for packing on muscle, while Ostarine may be useful during shedding fat. For those who have never taken a SARM, may want to test out how they respond to the milder Ostarine.
Take Home Message
RAD 140 and Ostarine are both SARMs. So their growth mechanism is binding with androgen receptors to release growth inducing hormones and elevated muscle protein synthesis.
RAD 140 is more aggressive in its mechanism, so it may yield superior muscle, strength and endurance gains. For this reason, it may be better utilized during the bulking phase..
In the long term, RAD 140 boosts the metabolism through increasing the metabolic active tissue (muscle). Thereby, putting an individual in a good position to enter the cutting phase.
Muscle loss is common during cutting phases, so the milder androgenic effects of Ostarine can be useful in preservation and maximizing muscle tone.
Although there are fewer side effects in SARMs use compared to anabolics, there is still some risk. As RAD 140 is the more aggressive out of the two, it has a greater risk of side effects. Some side effects include suppressed testosterone, a rise in “bad” cholesterol and organ issues.
A daily dose of 10-30mg for 8-12 weeks cycles should be effective for both compounds. Anything above 40 mg per day and longer than 16 weeks could increase the risk of side effects.
Sourced Information
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