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Protein Supplements

Most of us don’t get enough protein in our lives and protein supplements have the power to give our bodies a boost, supporting stronger muscle recovery, improved muscle growth, lower cholesterol, and more. These high-quality protein supplements should quickly become a part of your daily regimen. 

What are protein supplements?

Protein supplements are basically powders or shakes that help boost your protein intake, which is key for muscle repair and growth. They come in various types, like whey, which is great post-workout. Meanwhile, casein digests slowly and is perfect before bed, and plant-based options like pea or soy are ideal if you’re vegan or lactose-intolerant. 


These supplements are super handy if you’re trying to hit your protein goals or need a quick snack. Just mix them with water, milk, or your favorite non-dairy alternative, and you’re good to go.

Benefits of Protein Supplements:

  • Better muscle growth
  • Made with natural anticancer properties
  • Helpful for people with asthma 
  • Improved muscle recovery time after an intense workout

Frequently Asked Questions

How much protein do I need?

For most people, aiming for about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is a good rule of thumb. So, if you weigh 70 kg, that’s around 56 grams of protein a day. If you’re super active or building muscle, you might need a bit more.

Will protein powder make you gain weight?

Protein powder alone won’t make you gain weight unless you’re consuming it in excess. If you’re adding it to your diet without adjusting your overall calorie intake, those extra calories can lead to weight gain. 

Is drinking protein powder good for you?

Drinking protein powder can be a solid way to boost your protein intake, especially if you’re working out or have a busy lifestyle. It’s generally good for muscle repair and growth, and can help you meet your daily protein needs if you’re not getting enough from food. 

Do protein supplements help build muscle?

Yes, protein supplements can definitely help with muscle building. They provide extra protein your muscles need to repair and grow after workouts. Just remember, they work best when combined with a balanced diet and consistent exercise. 

How are protein supplements made?

To make protein supplements, they start with raw ingredients like whey. The protein is separated from the fat and carbs through processes like filtration or drying. 


After that, it’s purified and sometimes flavor is added in order to make it taste better. Finally, it’s blended into a powder and then packed up, and ready to be mixed into shakes or recipes.