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Creatine is a popular supplement, especially among athletes and bodybuilders, because it helps boost energy levels and improve muscle performance.


Through the use of Creatine, you will find that you can improve your overall endurance, and boost the power in your body quickly and easily. Before long, you will notice more muscle mass, improved energy levels and muscle mass, and elevated performance in nearly everything you do.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is actually a natural compound found in your muscles and also in some foods such as red meat and fish. When you take it as a supplement, it basically helps your muscles produce more of a key energy molecule called ATP. This means you might be able to lift heavier, run faster, or just push yourself a little more during workouts. 

How Creatine works

Creatine works by increasing the amount of creatine phosphate in your muscles and that helps you produce the aforementioned ATP. In a short amount of time, you will notice more energy and strength throughout your body, particularly during intensive workouts. 

Creatine benefits:

  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Supports brain health 
  • Noticeable gains in the gym
  • Higher energy levels in and out of the gym

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you take creatine?

You can take creatine pretty much whenever it’s convenient for you. Some people take it right before or after a workout to boost their performance and recovery, while others take it at any time of the day. It is key is to take it consistently, so find a time that fits your routine and stick with it.

How to take creatine?

With an easy-to-use capsule, you can take a pill that contains 10-20 grams of Creatine daily.

Is creatine safe for long-term use?

Creatine is generally safe for long-term use for most people. It’s been extensively studied and shows no major long-term side effects when taken at recommended doses. Just make sure to stay hydrated and consult with a healthcare provider if you have any health concerns.

What are the side effects of creatine?

Creatine can cause some bloating, weight gain, and stomach discomfort. You might also experience muscle cramps or dehydration if you’re not drinking enough water. 

Can I take creatine with other supplements?

Absolutely! You can take creatine with other supplements and many people do. Just make sure to follow recommended dosages and drink plenty of water.