
LGD 4033 vs RAD 140: Which SARM is Right for You?

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In the world of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs), chances are you have come across both LGD 4033 and RAD 140, two popular choices for muscle growth. But which SARM best meets your goals? In this article, we compare LGD 4033 vs RAD 140 by looking at their benefits, dosages, side effects, and effectiveness across bulking and cutting cycles to help you determine which SARM may work for your journey. 

What Is LGD 4033 (commonly Known As Ligandrol)? 

LGD 4033, commonly referred to as Ligandrol, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) used for bulking. It's well-known for delivering significant muscle gains without severe side effects associated with anabolic steroids. LGD 4033 works by binding to androgen receptors found within muscles and bones to facilitate lean muscle growth while increasing mass gains without risking serious side effects like those seen with steroids. Additional benefits include increased mass gains as well as increased strength enhancement.

Users have reported impressive LGD 4033 results when combined with proper nutrition and training regimens. Some have even seen as much as 10 pounds gained during a bulking cycle.

What Is RAD 140 (Testolone)? 

RAD 140, more commonly referred to as Testolone, is another powerful SARM used to increase strength while simultaneously aiding fat loss. Like LGD 4033, it targets androgen receptors while having more potency when used during strength and cutting cycles. Benefits of using RAD 140 Include Faster Fat Loss, Increased Muscle Density, and Strength Enhancement.

RAD 140 by UK Biaxol is widely respected for its ability to simultaneously promote muscle growth while decreasing fat levels, making it suitable for both bulking and cutting cycles.

Effectiveness: Bulking vs. Cutting

Prioritize your fitness goals when choosing between LGD 4033 and RAD 140. LGD 4033 stands out in particular as it helps users quickly build muscle mass. Many bulking cycle participants turn to LGD 4033 due to its emphasis on muscle-building; when coupled with proper diet, results can be astonishing.

On the other hand, RAD 140 excels at supporting cutting cycles. While still building muscle mass, its emphasis lies more on maintaining it while simultaneously losing fat. If your goal is to reach leanness while maintaining muscle gains, then this supplement might just be your ideal partner.

Dosages and Cycle Length

LGD 4033 typically recommends 5-10 mg daily doses taken over 8-week cycles to achieve optimal results. Any deviations should be avoided in order to minimize side effects. Users typically take 10-20 mg daily of RAD 140 with cycle lengths averaging eight weeks. Since it is slightly stronger, beginners may wish to start off at a lower dose and gradually increase it over time.

Side Effects and Safety

SARMs are well-known for their ability to stimulate muscle growth without producing the adverse side effects associated with anabolic steroids, but there may still be risks involved.

LGD 4033 may cause mild testosterone suppression; therefore, post-cycle therapy (PCT) should be employed to restore natural testosterone levels and eliminate potential side effects, including fatigue and headaches. 

RAD 140 may also cause testosterone suppression and mood swings or insomnia for some users, similar to LGD 4033. Therefore a comprehensive PCT plan should be put into effect after finishing a cycle. 

Which SARM Is Right for Me? 

If you want pure muscle growth, LGD 4033 should be your go-to supplement. Designed specifically to build up bulk, its results speak for themselves. But for those trying to maintain muscle while cutting fat at the same time, RAD 140 may be more suitable; its fat-burning potential makes it a top pick among dieters looking for weight reduction.


Which SARM you select ultimately depends on your bodybuilding goals. For bulking cycles, benefits of LGD 4033 are better gains with reduced side effects compared to anabolic steroids. On the other hand, RAD 140 is ideal for cutting cycles where muscle mass needs to be preserved while fat is shed off. Both SARMs have potential side effects, so it is vital that dosage guidelines and post cycle therapy (PCT) be strictly adhered to for best results and PCT sessions to restore balance to your system and achieve your fitness goals more quickly.